Message from Chris – Notes from Meeting 20/2/13

1.  Arrangements for the cross country presentation event were finalised and Paul has since sent out details regarding this.

2.  Jez is to start the handicaps – monthly and quarterly -hooray!  (Previous post about this).

3.  Vests – Chris to look into the possibility of a different supplier and to review the fabric and design/cut, Ronhill vests being a good alternative to consider.

4.  Summer routes to be sorted to include the Tough 10 once a month and the handicaps.  The finalisation of the rota will take place mid-March.

5.  Julian Hood suggested club target races and is to review possibilities and liaise with Emma for inclusion on the Google calendar.

6.  Emma to take over management of the Yahoo group in addition to her role as communications officer.  Many thanks to Triss for setting it up.

7.  Chris to look into the possibility of some form of joint working with Craven Energy and Skipton Cycling Club.

Next meeting to be arranged.

WYWL Presentation event

On March 17th we are hosting the West Yorkshire Winter League presentation event between 10am and 2pm at Aireville School. This will comprise a ‘social run’ for visiting runners from the other clubs via Stirton towards Sharp Haw with various distances depending on ability / speed / state of hangover.

Any Skipton members who are around that day would be very welcome to help guide our visitors on the run and to be at the presentation itself which will be good fun. We are providing pie & peas, raffle, etc. This event does clash with the Trimpell 20 which several are doing, we realise.

So, if you fancy doing this for your Sunday run that day, please do. I attach the flyer which has been sent to the other clubs in the league. WYWL-Presentation-Event-17-03-2013

Best wishes




Yes that’s right, after many years the Handicap races are coming back to Skipton AC!!!

These were very successful in the past! Compete with your club mates on challenging road and off road routes of about 10km distance

There will be 4 Sunday morning races and 8 Thursday club night races throughout 2013, (dates to be confirmed)

End of year prizes to be won (to be confirmed) will be given out at the yearly AGM, based on positioning throughout the year and worked on a points system!!

And most important its open to everybody of all ages, gender and abilities. That is the great thing about a handicap race 🙂


Keep ya eyes pealed for an another email shortly

Or speak to me (Jez) for more info in the short term


Jeremy Lamb

Pain is temporary….. Internet race results last forever. 🙂