See the ‘Seniors’ and ‘Juniors’ tabs for details about where and when we meet for training

To download a club membership application form and view our privacy statements see:

Membership Benefits

  • England Athletics (EA) club affiliation resulting in reduced race fees at EA governed events. See the link for other benefits of being EA registered.
  • Subsidised Skipton AC team events
  • Coaching advice and planning
  • Discounts from external bodies, i.e. Cotswold,, Up & Running, Yorkshire Runner, Craven Leisure membership
  • Free use of showers at Craven Leisure Centre on club nights
  • Option to join members-only Facebook group

Committee Members


  • Chair: Chris Rose
  • Club Secretary: Libby Heppenstall
  • Club Treasurer: Mary Dootson

General Members:

  • Membership Secretary: John Coates
  • Welfare Officer: Hilary Seward
  • Paul Norman
  • Sue Marshall
  • Kathryn Radley
  • Chris Ovenden
  • Rowena Garton
  • Amy Lewis (Kit Manager)

Skipton AC Club Constitution


The title of the club shall be Skipton Athletics Club.


The objectives of the club shall be:

  1. To encourage the practice and development of amateur athletics
  2. To provide coaching for the members and to organise competitions
  3. To organise teams to represent the club in championships, leagues and in other such competitions as the management committee deems fit
  4. To cater for the following athletic disciplines: track and field, cross country running, road running, fell and hill running, and to pay affiliation fees to the appropriate governing body(ies) or their appointed agent(s).


Membership shall be open to juniors and adults who are amateurs as defined by UK Athletics. An applicant needs to fill out a club membership form and submit to the membership secretary who will review the application and consult with the committee members if there are any queries.

The management of the club shall be vested in a Management Committee which shall comprise three ‘officers’ of the club, i.e. the Chair, Honorary Secretary and Honorary Treasurer plus at least seven ‘general members including the Membership Secretary and Welfare Officer. All the aforementioned shall be elected at the AGM and remain in office until the conclusion of the following year’s AGM. Any paid up member of the club who has been a member for at least 12 months is entitled to sit on the Management Committee. The Management Committee will have the power to fill vacancies if and when they arise. The Committee shall also have the power to co-opt members for particular projects, but co-opted members shall not have a committee vote. Members co-opted by the Management Committee for particular events, e.g. race organisers, will be given full discretion and authority as to how the event is run.

Committee meetings will be held as often as club activities dictate. These meetings will be open to all paid up members, but only members of the Management Committee will have a vote. Additional committee meetings can be called if necessary, but reasonable efforts must be made to publicise any additional meetings to all paid up members by use, for example, of the club web site and notice board.

Six Management Committee members shall be deemed to form a quorum and will be empowered to ratify a decision.


The AGM will usually be held after the club’s year end of 30th November (N.B. 13/01/2025 The dates of the club year are being amended) for the purpose of:

  1. Receiving the Annual Report of the committee
  2. Receiving the statement of accounts and balance sheet
  3. Electing the officers and committee for the ensuing year
  4. Electing the honorary auditors (if required)
  5. Considering any amendments to the constitution rules of which due notice has been given to all members. Any proposed change to a constitution rule by a member must be received by the Honorary Secretary four weeks before the AGM so that members may be notified.
  6. At least 14 days notice shall be given to members of the date, time, venue and agenda items for the AGM. Each fully paid up member shall have one vote. Members will be notified of the elected Management Committee members in the minutes of the AGM.


The club shall seek to affiliate to the appropriate governing body(ies) in order to carry out the objectives of the club.


Members shall pay an annual subscription fee at the commencement of the club year (See above). The level of the fees may be adjusted at the AGM.


The committee shall have the power to expel any member whose subscription is five months in arrears providing that one month’s notice has been given.


Any member wishing to resign must inform the Honorary Secretary.


An EGM shall be called by any officer of the club within one month of receipt of a written requisition signed by at least two members stating the purpose of the meeting. At least 14 days notice shall be given to all fully paid up members of the date, time, venue and purpose of the EGM.


No constitution rules may be altered, added to, or deleted, except at an AGM or an EGM called for that purpose, then only by a two-thirds majority of those present and voting. For the purposes of determining a voting majority an abstention is deemed not to count as a vote.


Club funds shall be kept in two separate Bank/Building Society accounts. The Honorary Treasurer will ensure there is £1,000 in a working account, for the general running of the club on the earliest working date possible at the start of each club year. The remainder will be in another account and may only be used for fulfilling the club’s objectives. Cheques must bear two out of three organised signatures. At the start of the club’s financial year, a budget of 10% of the club’s assets is deemed available to support members who are representing the club in team events at county, region or national level. Entry fees will be paid by the club for these representative events. Entries to other team events will be considered on an ad hoc basis. For representative events, members wishing to claim travelling expenses must seek approval from the committee beforehand. Other claims and grants will be considered on an ad hoc basis and approval for expenditure from the committee must be sought in advance.

Claims for expenses should be sent to the Honorary Treasurer with the appropriate receipt. Un-receipted claims may be taken to the Management Committee for authorisation.


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